Thursday, January 15, 2009

Money, Air and Oil

Do you feel that you will learn enough from this article to help you out with the subject matter at hand?

The biosphere is struggling to survive with air pollution from burning fossil fuel. There is negotiate of fuel shortages, but consumption increases year after year. An horrid reality about burning fossil fuel for potential is that air is mandatory. For each piece of fuel consumed, the biosphere must grant 14 time as greatly AIR. Yikes! Air, our life backing, is being consumed 14 time earlier than our quantity of oil. Shazam! Why is this ratio not mentioned in the TV rumor? Where is the discussion from think tanks and Professors and gossip analysts?

evidently, we have a complicated situation. extend, fossil fuel consumption has a almost unbelievable furtive. Burning oil originates money. lookalike Yikes!! Here is the example of how oil originates money. pack oil on tanker craft. Get amount of lading. Take amount of lading to bank. Bank accepts amount as loan collateral. BINGO! Money is shaped. Another furtive is now open. Any saving in oil use automatically reduces the world quantity of money.

Holy Moly!!! To pause oil use is to pause large degree money formation. lacking the ever increasing money quantity from burning ever more oil, there would be no additional money in the banking system to pay the ever increasing interest on bank shaped debt.

From what you have read so far, determine if this article has answered any of the questions that you had on this complicated subject.

evidently, this system of money formation with its appendages of state debt, interest rates, mortgages and taxes is inherently defective and unsustainable in the objective awareness. But, now because of the linkage of oil to money formation, you can see why alternative, innocent "free energy" technology is available nowhere. It doesn't originate money. The poser is not the technology. It is about how to exchange the obsolete and defective Moloch system for creating bank money. Moloch, the most high God of banking, is the God of perpetual debt, money at interest and stock exchange finance .

The Biblical Prophets called this bank/stock exchange money formation system Usury. It has offended character because the launch. indeed, in order to have an energy system that is compatible with character, the Moloch system will have to be exchanged by a present form of the Abraham Lincoln "Greenback" system. This greenback system has saved the nation from financial crisis before lacking state debt and interest rates. The 4950 Savings and Loan Institutions of head Nixon that were ruined by the committee Watergate Impeachment hearings will have to be reconstituted as a new form of the Abraham Lincoln native Banking System.

Over time, you will begin to understand how these concepts really come together if you choose to venture into this subject further.

Learn More:Author: Jeff Raford

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